First impressions aren't always lasting impressions. People evolve and change over time. And with every major life change (career change, births, aging, retirement, deaths in the family, relocating, etc), you may find yourself linked with a very different version of the person you first met and decided to build a life with. So how do they do it? How do couples stand the test of time? What's their secret? Everyone's story is different, but for the people we interviewed for my book, "Love Check," we noticed a pattern: 1) The decision to do whatever it takes to make it work, 2) the decision to put no one or nothing (other than God) above the bond between him and her and, of course, 3) the no. 1 element - LOVE/GOD.

Lessons In Love...
Love, too, is a decision. Love is an action word. It is matured and perfected over time, and it definitely takes work. Love is not for the faint of heart. Those who are happily married with some love currency in the bank for 20 years or more, these are the proverbial "love doctors" among us who can teach us a thing or two about love and longevity, and what it takes to sustain a marriage. Not just anyone can advise on so delicate a matter. Not just anyone should. That's not to say that we don't gain some knowledge of our own over the years that we can put to good use when it comes to relationships and love. Surely, each relationship that works or doesn't work is teaching us something about ourselves that we can apply in the future. But take caution when those who are newlyweds suddenly get the urge to school you on how it's done or a youth who falls in love for the first time begins "counseling" their friends on romance.
Wisdom about love can only come from God, experience and proven insight from those who have walked the walk and talked the talk. It's that 1 Corinthians 13 love that binds, that is truly able to stand the test of time. The couples in my book are living witnesses to this truth. We all can learn from them, on our journey through and to self-love and loving others. I urge you to get this book. It will surely bless you!
Where Can You Find "Love Check"?
It's available on,, and also here on my author site. Order one for you or a loved one.
Wanna Share Your Love Story?
We'd love to hear more testimonials and stories from those who have been positively impacted by God's love. Email Melanie for a feature here or on her "Inspire. Create. Shine." podcast at #lovecheckbook #agape #lastinglove #relationships #selflove #couples #singles